Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Perfect Girl

A friend asked a gentleman how it is that he never married ?
Replied the gentleman, "Well, I guess I just never met the right woman ... I guess I've been looking for the perfect girl."
"Oh, come on now," said the friend, "Surely you have met at least on girl that you wanted to marry."
"Yes, there was one girl .. once. I guess she was the one perfect girl .. the only perfect girl I really ever met. She was just the right everything .. I really mean that she was the perfect girl for me."
"Well, why didn't you marry her," asked the friend.
"She was looking for the perfect man," he said.

1 comment:

Berta said...

Hello, Sheno. This is Berta, an Venezuelan EFL teacher on sabbatical in Toronto and an online friend of Susan.
What an eye-opener your story was. It can be interpreted in so many ways. For example, we sometimes ask from others what we are not or cannot give ourselves. We also keep waiting for better times to come and do not enjoy the wonderful things we have around us. We always say, well, when I graduate from college I will do this or that or when I get married, etc., waiting for the perfect time which might never come. Thanks for sharing this story. All the best,